So, I realize it's been a while since I posted. Thanks for the implicit reminders (Shawn and Leah :). The reason being is of course, that I have been entirely too busy, so let's rewind back to Malaysia.
On the way back from my artsy, farsty adventure at Central Market. I took the bus back home. I proved that my experience of taking the bus in many countries is consistant. It ALWAYS takes me two times the fare. This time, it was an amusing little attempt.
My friend ensured I was on the right bus and told me to make sure the bus driver knows you need to go to hospital Ampang. Easy enough. I told the hyperactive ticket taker this information and she assured me she would let me know. So, about half way through the journey, I notice she gets off to have dinner and the bus continues on. So, I wait and wait and finally walk to the front of the bus and say "Hospital Ampang". Well the bus driver starts yelling something at me in Malay and pointing out the window. He stops the bus in the middle of a 4 lane busy road, yells something to the driver of the bus going in the opposite direction, and tells me to get off and take the other bus.
So, frogger style, I dart through traffic while people are honking at the bus to continue and hop on the other bus. After a few minutes, a lady comes to collect my fare and I say "Hospital Ampang". This time the whole bus starts yelling something to me in Malay trying to convey that I should have been on the other bus. So, he continues with me and drops me off in the middle of nowhere and tells me to wait there until the bus comes and make sure it goes to Hospital Ampang. I recognize the place as where the 1st ticket taker stopped for dinner.
I wait about 20 minutes, until the correct bus comes. I hop on, insist the lady confirms that this bus is going to the correct destination and continue. Things start looking familiar and I see my block. I tell the driver, this is where I need to be and ask to get let off. He refuses since it isnt the Hospital once again. Then I see my apartment, once again I ask. He refuses and tells me we are almost there. SO, the bus continues, loops around and then just stops. Everyone gets off. The driver and ticket lady turn the bus off and leave and I ask, what am I supposed to do? Apparently, it was the end of the route. In about an hour (mind you its almost 11pm at this point) they will load a shift of hospital workers on and continue taking me to the place i need to go. So, I asked them to point me in the direction of the apartment and I set off on foot. Twenty minutes later, I was home.
I guess moral of the story, don't listen to the bus drivers and maybe a taxi is worth it!