12 February 2007

Wanderlust and drugs

As my wander lust grows, I find myself bogged down by more and more things. I keep telling myself these things are an anchor that will eventually sprout wings and carry me away with them. Till then, I do what I can sitting behind an electronic box making letters dance into words and sending them across many oceans.

Recently, I have been following the pivotal lawsuit in India involving TRiPS (WTO's International Agreement on Patent rights which generic drug production falls under via intellectual property rights). Generics and access to generics in the developing world is a big, crazy mess.

People are dying from not having access to drugs. Pharmaceutical companies are companies after all and can not do anything but what brings them good PR and helps them sell drugs. They have a bottom line to keep stock holders happy and investing and keep research flourishing. Unfortunately, healthiness, especially in the developing world, is the bastard love child at the mercy of the tryrannical abusive pharmaceutical company-father and his guilty late night indulgences with an insecurely confident ministry of health mother. Ahhh when will health become a human right. Am I only dreaming that this will ever happen.

As I research this more, I am sure I will start to sort out some of the fine ethical points of the discussion.

Till then, back to making letters dance...........

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