16 June 2009

L&A Memorial School

Yesterday we did a tour of the school that Japhet's organization has been building. The school is a tribute to the memory of his parents and this will eventually be pilot site for integrating a health clinic into the school. Currently there is a shortage of funding so the building is half complete.

There are about 400 students from nusery school to 8th grade. The school is ranking very well in Accra. I was talking to some of the teachers about the school system in Ghana. The public school system is in tact but does not offer a decent quality of education. For a student to have hope for a bright future and a college education, the private schools really prepare them better which seems to be the same globally.

I met up with Jean who is the french teacher there and he is giving me lessons to brush up on my French before I head north to Burkina. I also had a chance to practice with some of his eager students (2 boys pictured). My Ghanaian sister Lilian is also pictured looking out from the school room door.

We also had another chance to visit with the Mayor of Accra (He, Japhet and Lilian pictured). He delivered an inspiring message to the students from the Bronx to use this experience to carry forth good things in their lifes and let the world know about Ghana. I have to say--I was hesitant at first to travel with these 18 to 20 year old students. They were each honors students who were able to come on this trip based on Merit and desire. It was interesting to witness them processing some of the realities of Africa and comparing it to their world. I think a wonderful experience for them.

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